Sponsorship and Advertising
As an organization our #1 goal is to engage & disciple college baseball players with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We also believe that baseball brings the community together, which is why the focus of our 20 home games is to provide the Sumner County community with a family friendly atmosphere for people to gather, fellowship & cheer on our team. Full Count Rhythm is a team that our entire community can get behind, which is why we would like to invite your company to Join Us as a Sponsor or Advertise in our Game Day Program!
Advertise in our Game Day Program
Our Game Day Program will be handed out free of charge to every attendee at each of our 20+ home games, average attendance of 150-400 per game
what will the game day Program include?
Team Roster
Coach & Player Profiles
Season, Specialty & Meal Sponsor Recognition
Full Count Rhythm’s Mission & Program Details
Host Family Recognition
Paid Advertisements…and much more!
Who should advertise?
Our program is the perfect place for local businesses to advertise and show their support for our hometown college summer team!
No Business? No Problem! We would also love to have Rhythm supporters and families place personal ads showing their support for the team.
Advertising Cost
Full Page Ad (5.5in x 8.5in) - $1000
(Full Page Ad includes 30sec commercial & Logo featured on FB Live Broadcast)
Half Page Ad (5.5in x 4.25in) - $500
Quarter Page Ad (2.75in x 4.25in) - $250
Become a Specialty Sponsor
Opportunities for a season long Specialty Sponsorship include exclusive recognition during a specific event during every Rhythm game such as…Home Runs, Foul Balls, Strike Out, Call to the Bull Pen, 7th Inning Stretch and MORE!
Mention over the PA and live stream game day broadcast based on the specialty
Recognition in the Game Day Program
Recognition on social media and scrolling billboard on game day live stream
Minimum of two 30 second commercial spots during the broadcast of EVERY Rhythm Home Game
Season long recognition on www.FullCountRhythm.com sponsor page
Become a Rhythm
Game Day Meal Sponsor
Rhythm Meal Sponsor Package
We are looking for area restaurants to partner with us in providing post-game meals to both the home and visiting teams for each of the 20+ Rhythm home games. This would be the equivalent of 100 meals per game. In exchange for providing team meals you would receive the following visibility and advertising space…
Live mentions over the PA broadcast (minimum of four times for select game)
Ad space on digital ticket received by each person in attendance
One 30 second commercial spot per game commitment during the broadcast of EVERY Rhythm Home Game
(22 games x 1 commercials = 22 commercial ad units per game commitment)
Live mentions by broadcaster for select game (minimum of four times for select games)
Company logo on scrolling digital billboard on FB live video broadcast
Social Media post highlighting the Game Day Meal Sponsor across all FC Rhythm platforms (FB, Twitter & IG)
Season long recognition on www.FullCountRhythm.com sponsor page